#ifndef GUICLSS
#define GUICLSS

//       º                      NPSGUI.LIB                         Ç¿
//       º                      GUICLS.CPP                         º³
//       º         Copyright 1993, Nearly Perfect Software.        º³
//       º                 All rights reserved                     º³
//       º                                                         º³
//       º       This file is included in NPSGUI as a set of       º³
//       º      middle-level classes for use by the library        º³
//       º      user. It is intended as a programming example      º³
//       º      and is included as source code. It may be          º³
//       º      modified as needed and used in any application     º³
//       º      that uses NPSGUI, as long as this comment          º³
//       º      block is included.                                 º³
//       º                                                         º³
//       º               þ Written by Brad Broerman                º³
//       º               þ Last Modified: 02/14/95                 º³
//       º               þ Revision 2.5                            º³

class radiopanel : public panel
  //   This class is a panel with multiple rbuttons on it, along with
  // text. it allows the selection of one parameter at a time, sort of line
  // the buttons on a radio.
  //  Please be aware of a bug I have discovered... When you select a button
  // with the mouse, either using selectbtn(btnhit(), or using checkforevent(),
  // the mouse driver will 'stick', and it will report that the buttons are down,
  // when actually, they may not be.
  //   It looks somewhat like this:   --------------------
  //                                  |   Header text    | <-- The header, centered.
  //                                  |                  |
  //     This button is selected-->   |   0  Item 1      | <-- The buttons text.
  //     But all the others aren't.   |   O  Item 2      |
  //                                  |   O  Item 3      |
  //                                  |   O  Item 4      |
  //                                  --------------------
  //   Parameters: X,Y,W,H : Same as in the Panel class.
  //               Hdr     : The name of the radiopanel.
  //               list    : A string containing a comma seperated list of elements, as above.
  //               k       : The 'keep track of background' flag.
  //               c       : A color parameter.
  //               no      : A number corresponding to a button, starting with 1.
  //   Preconditions: X,Y,W,H: Same as Panel.
  //                  Hdr    : Must contain a valid string.
  //                  List   : Mist consist of at least 1 item. and no more than 20.
  //                  k      : Same as Panel.
  //                  c      : Must be a valid color number (0-16)
  //                  no     : Must be  0 < no <= Number of items.
  rbutton *Buttons[20]; // Pointers to the buttons.
  char *Header;         // The header.
  char *Items[20];      // The list of text items for the buttons.
  int NumItems;         // The number of items.
  int TextClr;          // The text color.
  int BtnSel;           // The current selected button.

	radiopanel(int x, int y, int w, int h, int d, char *Hdr, char *list, int k);
	void setbtnclr(int c);  // Changes the radio buttons color.
	void settextclr(int c); // Changes the text color.
	void show();            // Displays the radiopanel.
	void hide();            // Hides teh radiopanel.
	int  btnhit();          // Returns the number corresponding to the button the cursor is on.
   void selectbtn(int no); // Selects a button.
   int  btnselected();     // Returns the number of the button selected.
   void btnclear();        // Clears all buttons.
   int  checkforevent();   // Waits for a button to be selected, or escape key.
			   // Uses mouse, and up/down arrow keys.
			   // Returns TRUE if button selected, false if none.

struct attr
  int Fgd : 4;
  int Bkg : 4;

class textplane : public gbase
  //   This class allows the input and output of text to graphics text windows
  // in a way that is similar to using cin and cout in the text modes. It also
  // emulates ANSI and VT100 displays (decodes the escape sequences).
  // Parameters:  X,Y,W,H : Same as the other classes.
  //              tc      : The initial color of the text.
  //              bc      : The default, and initial background color.
  // Preconditions: X,Y,W,H: Same as in Panel.
  //                tc     : Can be any valid color (0 - 16)
  //                bc     : Can be any color from BLACK (0) to LIGHTGRAY(7);
  //       On Input, the insertioin routines for long, and double are undefined
  //   if an overflow occurs, or if invalid inputs are entered. Also, NO overflow
  //   checking is used for string input. YOU MUST ENSURE THAT AN OVERFLOW DOES NOT OCCUR.

  char *Buffer; // Graphics buffer used in hiding and restoring display.
  int CsrX,CsrY,// The X and Y coordinates of the next character.
      OldX,OldY,// The old position of the cursor.
      DefBkgClr,// The default background color.
      BkgClr,   // The current background color.
      TxtClr,   // The current text color.
      Bold,     // The Bold or normal flag.
      Echo,     // echo the entered characrter or not.
      ShowCsr,  // Show the cursor or not.
      CsrShwn,  // Tells if the cursor is shown or not.
      SavX,SavY,// The stored coordinates of the cursor (for ANSI & VT100).
      TermEm,   // The terminal emulation used.
      isShown;  // Wether or not the plane is being shown.
  char STR[20]; // Collection buffer for escape sequences, and printable strings.
  char *TxtBuf; // Storage for the text buffer.
  attr *AtrBuf; // Storage for the text attribute buffer.
  unsigned SBBSize, // The size of the scrollback buffer.
	   CurScrn; // The offset into the buffer that the current screen starts.
  int SIndex,   // Index for STR.
      REscSeq;  // Flag that indicates an escape sequence is being compiled.

void ANSI_Decode(char c); // Decodes ANSI escape sequences.
void VT100_Decode(char c); // Decodes VT100 escape sequences.
void Print_Char(char c);  // Displays the character on the screen.
void move_csr(void);     // moves the cursor to the new x & y.

  textplane (int x, int y, int w, int h, int tc = 15, int bc=0);
  void show();                      // Display a textplane.
  void hide();                      // Prepares a textplane to be hidden.
  void drawscrn(char far *B,attr far *A,int L); // Re-draws the screen, starting at the top, and going down L lines.
  int  setbuffsize(unsigned);       // Resets the size of the scrollback buffer.
  void settxtclr(int c);            // Set the text color.
  void setbkgclr(int c);            // Set the background color.
  void gotoxy(int x, int y);        // Move the cursor to x,y (in pixels).
  void settermem(int t);            // Sets the terminal emulation. (ANSI, VT100, ASCII)
  void setcsr(int F);               // Turns the cursor on & off (1,0).
  void clearwin(void);              // Clears the textplane to the background color.
  char peek(void);                  // Check the next keyboard character without extracting it.
  char *gettxt(void);               // returns a copy of the screen text buffer.
  char *getatr(void);               // returns a copy of the screen attribute buffer.
  unsigned getscrnptr(void);        // returns the current screen offset in the text buffer.
  unsigned getbufsize(void);        // returns the size of the screen text buffers.

  textplane &operator << (char &c); // The formatted  inserters.
  textplane &operator << (char *c);
  textplane &operator << (int &I);
  textplane &operator << (long &L);
  textplane &operator << (double &D);

  textplane &operator >> (char &c); // The formatted extractors.
  textplane &operator >> (char *c);
  textplane &operator >> (int &I);
  textplane &operator >> (long &L);
  textplane &operator >> (double &D);

  textplane &setecho() // Turns on character echoing.
   { Echo = 1; return *this; }
  textplane &clrecho() // Turns off character echoing.
   { Echo = 0; return *this; }

class selectbar : public instrn
  //     The selection bar class is an instrn class with a button that pulls down a
  //  list of options that can be selected with the mouse or the keyboard. To use with
  //  a keyboard, the down arrow pulls down the list, and then the item can be highlighted
  //  with the arrow keys. To select, press [Enter] and to quit, press [Esc]. The button
  //  is placed on the right of the instrn, and the X,Y,Width, and Height of the components
  //  must be chosen so that the object is within the screen area. The selection panel extends
  //  down textheight+2 pixels for every option, it begins 2 pixels below the instrn, and has a 
  // depth of 1. The total width is: w+bw+2*d+4, and the total height is: h+2*d+3+(textheight()+2)*# 
  // options. The List is a string containing a comma seperated list, the same as the menubar.
  // The other options and parameters are the same as previous classes.

  panel  *PlDn;           // The pulled-down panel.
  button *DnBtn;          // The button.
  int BW,                 // The button's width.
      pulled_down,        // Non-Zero if the panel is pulled-down.
      itm_selected,       // Contains the number of the last item selected.
      num_itms,           // Contains the number of items in the list.
      Hi_Clr;             // The highlight color.
  char *List;             // The string containing the comma seperated list of options.

  selectbar(int x, int y, int w, char *Lst, int bw=8, int h=12, int c=7, int bc=7, int k=0);
  void show(void);  // Shows a selection bar.
  void hide(void);  // Removes a selection bar.
  void pulldown(void); // Pulls down the options panel.
  void pushup(void);   // Pushes the options panel back up.
  void push(void);   // Pushes the button.
  void rels(void);   // Releases the button.
  void selitem (int);  // Selects an item, (highlights it). 1st item is #1.
  void clritem (void);  // Clears any selected item.
  char *getinput();  // The full get-input routine, with the selection panel implemented.
  char *getitem(void); // Gets the string form of the option selected.
  char *inptstrn();  // Just gets the typed-in string from the instrn.
  int  itmselected(void); // Gets the number of the option selected.
  int  itmhit(void); // Returns the number of the option the mouse cursor is over.
  int  btnhit(void); // Returns TRUE (non-zero) if the mouse cursor is on the button.
  int  pnlhit(void); // Returns TRUE if the mouse cursor is on the options panel.
  void resize(int w, int h); // Changes the width and height of the selection bar.
  void moveto (int x, int y); // Moves a selection bar to the new coordinates.
  void setbtnclr(int c=7); // Changes the button color.
  void sethiclr(int c=12 ); // Changes the highlight color.
  void setbkgclr(int c=7); // Changes the background (panel & instrn) color.

class wndow : public bevel
  //   This is a window, similar to other GUIs. It has a close button in the
  // upper left corner, a caption bar at the top right, and a border. This can
  // be used instead of a panel or bevel for child windows in an application.
  //  The close button is ALWAYS the same size (11x11) and the caption bar is
  // always 11 high. Also, the color default to light gray, but can be changed.
  // Parameters: x,y,w,h,d,bw,k : These are the same as the bevel class and
  //                              should be self-explanitory.
  //                          c : This is a color value (0-15). Use the defined
  //                              constants from graphics.h
  //                    caption : This is the caption to be displayed in the
  //                              caption bar.
  // Preconditions: x,y,w,h,d,bw,k : Same as bevel, except that the width
  //                                 should be large enough to handle the
  //                                 close button (11 pixels) plus the text
  //                                 of the caption. If not, results could be
  //                                 very messy. Also, d should NOT be larger
  //                                 than 2. Again, if not, results could be
  //                                 messy.
  //                             c : Should be a valid color (0 to 15).
  //                       caption : Should point to a valid string. DO NOT
  //                                 make it NULL. If you do not want a caption
  //                                 make caption equil to "" (a null string).
  char *Caption;         // Holds the caption text.
  button *cl_button;      // The close button.
  panel *cap_panl;       // The caption panel
  int Client_Clr,        // The color of the client area. (defaults to light gray)
      Txt_Clr;           // The color of the caption text. (defaults to white)

  wndow(int x,int y,int w,int h,int d,int bw,char *caption,int k=1);// Creates a window.
  ~wndow();                 // Deletes a window.
  void show(void);           // Shows a window.
  void moveto(int x, int y); // Moves a window to a new location.
  void resize(int w, int h); // Changes the width & height of a window.
  void setbkgclr(int c);     // Changes the border color of the window.
  void setcliclr(int c);     // Clanges the color of the client area.
  void setcapclr(int c);     // Changes the color of the caption bar.
  void settxtclr(int c);     // Changes the color of the caption text.
  int clbtnhit(void);        // Returns true if the mouse cursor is over the close button.
  void clbtnprs(void);       // Presses the close button.
  void clbtnrls(void);       // Releases the close button.
  int clbtnpressed(void);    // Returns true if the close button is pressed.
  int capbarhit(void);       // Returns true if the mouse cursor is over the caption bar.
