//       º                        NPSGUI.LIB                         º
//       º         Copyright 93-94, Nearly Perfect Software.         Ç¿
//       º                    All Rights Reserved                    º³
//       º                þ Written by Brad Broerman                 º³
//       º                þ Last Modified: 04/08/94                  º³
//       º                þ Revision 2.5                             º³
#ifndef NPSGUIH
#define NPSGUIH

#include <graphics.h>
#include <iostream.h>

// These two are for the button mode.
#define TEXT 0
#define IMAGE 1

// These two are for the panels InOrOut.
#define IN 0
#define OUT 1

// These are for the mouses buttons in btnpressed.
#define LEFT_BTN 1
#define RIGHT_BTN 2
#define CENTR_BTN 4

// These are for the screen resolution.
#define LO_RES 0
#define MED_RES 1
#define HI_RES 2

// These are for the line thickness in checkbox.setline().
#define THICK 3
#define THIN 1

// These are for the predefined mouse cursor shapes.
#define ARROW 1
#define UPARROW 2
#define LEFTAROW 3
#define CHECK 4
#define HAND 5
#define HOURGLASS 6

// This is an RGB pallete entry. It's used in the graphic classes.
typedef struct
  unsigned char r,g,b;

class screen
  //    This is the class for initializing the screen in graphics mode.
  // The Init function, or the constructor will initialize the graphics
  // system in the specified resolution (HI_RES, MED_RES, LO_RES.)
  // Parameters: mode=the graphics mode to use.
  //              can be: HI_RES, MED_RES, or LO_RES.

  int gdriver, // Holds the name of the graphics driver (VGA Only.)
      gmode;   // Holds the name of the mode to use (use 'mode'parameter to specify.)

  screen(int mode);    // Constructor that also starts graphics mode.
  screen() {};         // Default constructor. Does nothing.
  ~screen();           // Default destructor. Closes the graphics system.
  void init(int mode); // Used to start graphics if default constructor was used, or changing modes.
  void close();        // Used to shut down graphics mode when changing modes.

class gbase
  // This is a base class for all of the graphics objects in this library.
  // it contains the basic location data, as well as the background data
  // for the objects, as well as a few useful functions, and the basic
  // functions NEEDED in all derived classes.
  // Parameters:    x,y = coordinates of the upper corner of the object.
  //                w,h = Width and height of the object.
  //                k = Flag: Keep track of the background or not.
  // Preconditions: x and y must be positive.
  //                x+w must be <= the maximum posible x coordinate.
  //                y+h must be <= the maximum possible y coordinate.

  int X,      // The objects location and size.
      isShown, // Is the object shown or not.
      KeepBkg; // Keep track of the background or not.

  void far *BackBuffer; // Holds the data for the background.
  int BkgHndl;          // The EMS handle for the BackBuffer.
  int BkgPages;         // Number of EMS pages for the BackBuffer. 0 if using main memory.
  void ReSize(int w, int h); // Changes the width and height of a gbase object.
  void virtual getbkg(); // copies the background of the object to BackBuffer.

  gbase(int x, int y, int w, int h, int k=1);// Inits a gbase object.
  ~gbase(); // Default destructor.
  void virtual show() = 0; // pure virtual.
  void virtual hide();     // Hides the image (removes it from the screen.)
  int  virtual hit();      // Determines if the cursor is on the object.
  int  virtual getX()      // Returns the X coordinate of the upper left corner.
   {return X; };
  int  virtual getY()      // Returns the Y coordinate of the upper left corner.
   { return Y; };
  int  virtual getW()      // Returns the Width of the item.
   { return Width; };
  int  virtual getH()      // Returns the Height of the item.
   { return Height; };
  int  virtual shown()   // Returns 1 if the item is shown, 0 if it isn't.
   { return isShown; };
  void virtual moveto(int x, int y);// Moves an object to coordinates x,y.

class bitmap : public gbase
  // This is the base class for graphic and icon. This class handles all
  // routines associated with loading and displaying graphics.
  // Parameters:    x: The x coordinate of the upper left corner.
  //                y: The y coordinate of the upper left corner.
  //                fname : The name of the file containing the image data.
  // Preconditions: x and y must both be positive.
  //                'fname' must be a pathname to a valid existing bitmap.
  //                  or a filename to a valid existing bitmap in the current directory.
  //                If mode = 0, then the bitmap must be NPG format (saved from the graphic object)
  //                  else, if mode = 1, the picture is a 16 color PCX file.
  //                Also, the bitmap must be able to fit onto the screen, starting at (X,Y)
  unsigned int ImageSize;  // The size in bytes of the graphics image.
  char far *Buffer;  // The actual buffer storing the graphics image.
  char get_imgpxl(int x, int y);
  void put_imgpxl(int x, int y, char color);

  bitmap(int x, int y, int mode, char *fname="", int k=1); //Initializes a bitmap object.
  ~bitmap(); // The destructor.
  void virtual load(char *fname, int mode = 0); // Loads a new bitmap into the object.
  void virtual show(); // Displays the bitmap on the screen.
   int virtual getW(); // Returns the width of the bitmap in pixels.
   int virtual getH(); // Returns the height of the bitmap in pixels.

class panel : public gbase
  // This class displays a blank panel on the screen.
  // Parameters:    x,y= coordinates of the top left corner of the flat surface of the panel.
  //                w=Width. Self Explanitory.
  //                h=Height. Self Explanitory.
  //                d=How high the panel should be raised.
  //                io=tells wether the panel should be raised (OUT) or sunken(IN).
  //                c= any color from BLACK to DARKGRAY (0-7).
  //                k= if 1, the background will be stored to allow hiding.
  // Preconditions: X-Depth, and y-Depth must be positive.
  //                Also, X+Width+Depth must be less than the largest possible X coordinate.
  //                and Y+Height+Depth must be less than the largest possible Y coordinate.
  //                c must be between BLACK and LIGHTGRAY (0-7).

  int Depth,   // The panels depth (in pixels).
      InorOut, // Wether the panel is concave or convex.
      Color;   // The panels color (valid from 0 to 7).

	panel(int x,int y,int w,int h, int d=1, int io=1,int c=7, int k=1); //Initializes a panel.
       ~panel(); // Destroys a panel.
   void virtual resize (int w, int h); // Changes the panels height and width.
   void moveto (int x, int y); // Move a panel.
   void virtual setbkgclr(int c); // Changes the panels color.
   void show (void); // Displays the panel.

class bevel : public panel
  //  This is similar to a panel, but is more like a frame. it consists of 2 panels.
  // one concave, and one convex.   /--\___________/--\
  // Parameters:    x,y = the coorinate of the upper left corner of the inner surface.
  //                w,h = the width and height of the inner surface.
  //                d = depth of the frame.
  //                bw = border width (width of the frame.)
  //                c = color of the bevel (defaults to light gray).
  //                k = keep background flag.
  // Preconditions: x-d-bw and y-d-bw must be > 0
  //                x+w+2*(d+bw) must be < the greatest x coordinate for the current reslution.
  //                y+h+2*(d+bw) must be < the greatest y coordinate for the current resoution.
  //                bw must be >= 0
  //                c must be between BLACK and LIGHTGRAY (0-7).
  panel *inner;
  int BWidth;

	bevel (int x, int y, int w, int h, int d=1, int bw=3, int c=7, int k=1); //Initializes a bevel.
	~bevel(); // Destroys a bevel.
   void resize (int w, int h); // Changes a bevels height and width.
   void moveto (int x, int y); // Move the bevel.
   void show (); // Displays a bevel.

class button : public panel
  //   This is a general push-button. It can contain either an IMAGE or
  // TEXT. If it is too small for the image or text, it will re-size itself.
  // Parameters:    x,y = The coordinate of the upper left corner of the top of the button.
  //                w,h = Width and height of the button. If to small, they will be automatically scaled.
  //                c = Color of the button part.
  //                m = Mode. Either TEXT ot IMAGE.
  //                strn = either the text to be displayed or the pathname of
  //                the image to be displayed.
  // Preconditions: The button must fit within the bounds of the screen in the current mode.
  //                The color must be within BLACK and LIGHTGRAY (0 - 7)
  //                Mode must be TEXT or IMAGE (0 - 1).
  //                strn MUST point to a valid pathname if in IMAGE mode.
  int TxtClr, // The color of any text displayed in the button.
      HkHiClr, // The hotkey highlight color.
      Border,  // Thickness of the border around the button.
      Mode;   // What is inside (TEXT, or IMAGE) of the button.

  char *String;     // Holds the string in TEXT mode.
  bitmap *Bgraphic;  // The graphic image in the button.
  int Selected;     // Tells whether the button is perssed or up.

        button (int x, int y, int w, int h, int d, int c=7, int b=0, int m=0, char* strn=" ", int k=1); //Initializes a button.
       ~button();// Destroys a button.
   void setextclr(int clr); // Changes the color of the text in TEXT mode.
   void sethkhiclr(int clr); // Sets the hotkey highlight color.
   void show(); // Displays a button
   void select(); // 'Presses' a button, and marks it as selected.
   int  is_selected(); // Indicates wether or not a button is selected.
   void setborder(int b); // Changes the border width on the button.

class graphic : public bitmap
  //    This object is a graphics image that can be captured from the current screen,
  // or loaded in from disk. it can then be displayed, and moved on the screen.
  // The parameters and preconditions are the same as for the graphic class.

	graphic(int x, int y, int k=1, int mode=0, char *fname=""); // Initializes a graphic image.
       ~graphic(); // Destroys a graphic.
   void save(char *fname); // Saves the graphic in the buffer to the file fname.
   void capture(int x, int y, int x1, int y1);// captures an area of the screen into the buffer.

class gmouse
  //    This is the all-impoortant mouse interface. It MUST be included in
  // every application wether it is used or not. If it is not used, just do
  // not arm it. You must, however decare an instance, and init it. Please
  // declare the mouse class BEFORE the screen class.
  //    You must ARM the mouse to display it, and you MUST balance your use
  // of SHOW and HIDE, otherwise you may get unpredictable results.
  //    If you use your own event handler, please make sure that the routine
  // behave EXACTLY like an interrupt routine (save ALL the registers & flags)
  // except that the handler should end with a far return.

  int show_lvl,

	gmouse() {init();}; // Starts the mouse cursor system. THIS MUST BE DONE!
       ~gmouse(); // Shuts down the mouse system.
   void init(); // completely resets the hardware and software of the system.
   void arm(); // Arms the cursor, so that it can be shown.
   void disarm(); // Disarms the mouse cursor.
   void show(); // Shows the cursor on the screen.
   void hide(); // Removes the cursor from the screen.
   int  getmX(); // Returns the mouses X coordinate.
	int  getmY(); // Returns the mouses Y coordinate.
   int  getbutton(int btn); // Returns the status of a particular button, or buttons.
   int  btnpressed(); // Returns true if any buttons are pressed.
   void moveptr(int X, int Y);// moves the pointer to the coordinates X,Y
   void setbounds(int left, int right, int top, int btm); // sets the horizontal and vertical bounds.
   void setexclarea(int left, int right, int top, int btm);// Sets up an exclusion area.
   void newpointer(int Type); // Changes the pointer to one of the predefined types.
   void custmpointer(int X, int Y, unsigned int *ptr); // Allows you to create your own custom pointer.
   int  getrecentX(); // Returns the horiz. distance moved by the pointer since the last call.
   int  getrecentY(); // Returns the vert. distance moved since the last call.
   void setevnthndlr( unsigned int mask, void far *pointer);// sets up a custom event handler.
   void setdefhndlr(); // Sets up the default event handler.
   int  nextevent(int &X, int &Y, int &Btn); // returns the next event captured by the default handler.
   void setsens( unsigned int x, unsigned int y); //Sets the sensitivity of the mouse.

class checkbox : public panel
  //    This is a checkbox object. it allows the user to check and un-check the
  // box, and later, determine its state.
  //    Parameters:     x,y - The location of the upper left corner of the box.
  //                    w,h - The width and height of the inside of the box.
  //                    d   - The depth (in pixels) of the box.
  //                    c   - The color of the inside of the box.
  //                    k   - The keep track of the background flag.
  //    Preconditions:  x,y,w,h,d MUST define a box that is within the bounds of the screen
  //                      as in the Panel class.
  //                    c must define a color between BLACK (0) and LIGHTGRAY (7).
  //                    k must be 0 (FALSE) or 1 (TRUE).

  int Selected, // Wether or not the box is checked.
      LineWidth; // The width of the line.

  checkbox(int x, int y, int w=10, int h=10, int d=1, int c=7, int k=1); // Initializes a checkbox.
  ~checkbox(); // Destroyes a checkbox.
  void setline(int w); // Sets the check line width, as in the BGI routine setlinewidth()
  void setlineclr(int c); // changes the check lines color.
  void show(); // Displays a check box, and de-selects the box.
  void select(); // Selects (Checks) a box.
  int is_selected(); // Returns TRUE (1) if the box is  checked.

class rbutton : public gbase
  //    The RBUTTON is similar to the check box, except that it is a round button.
  // Selected, a colored dot fills the button, an when cleared, the dot disappears.
  //    Parameters: x,y - Defines the location of the center of the button.
  //                r   - The radius of the button.
  //                C   - The color of the dot. The background is always light gray.
  //                k   - The Keep track of the background flag.
  //    Preconditions: The button must fit within the bounds of the screen.
  //                   The color can be ANY valid color.
  //                   The k flag must be 0 or 1.
     int  Radius, // The radius of the button.
	  Color, // The color of the dot.
	  Selected; // Selected flag.

       rbutton(int x, int y, int R=5, int C=0, int k=1); // Initializes a rbutton object.
      ~rbutton(); // Deletes an rbutton.
  void resize(int r); // Changes the radius of an rbutton.
  void moveto(int x, int y); // Moves the rbutton.
  void chgclr(int c); // Changes the dots color.
  void show(); // Displays an rbutton, and de-selects it.
  void select(); // Selects an rbutton.
  int  is_selected(); // Returns TRUE (1) if selected.

class icon : public bitmap
  //    An icon is a graphic image that can be used as a sort of a button.
  // When selected, the image is shown reversed.
  //    Parameters: x,y  - The coordinates of the upper left corner.
  //                fname- The pathname of a graphic to load.
  //                k    - The keep track of the background flag.
  //    Preconditions: The picture must be able to fit on the screen,
  //                    starting at (x,y).
  //                   fname must be the pathname of an existing file.
  int Selected; // Selected flag.

	icon(int x, int y, int mode, char *fname="", int k=1); // Initializes an icon.
       ~icon(); // Destroys an icon.
   void show(); // Displays an icon, and de-selects it.
   void select(); // Selects an icon, and re-displays its inverse,
   int  is_selected(); // Returns TRUE (1) if the icon is selected.

class instrn : public panel
  // This class allows the input of a line of text inthe graphics mode.
  // It exits its input when an up or down arrow, escape, or return key it depressed.
  // The key that caused termination of input can be checked with 'lastkey()'
  //    Parameters: x,y - The coordinate of the upper left corner.
  //                w,h - The width and height of the box, in pixels.
  //                d   - The depth in pixels of the box.
  //                c   - The color of the background, the text defaults to white.
  //                k   - The keep track of the background flag.
  //    Preconditions: The preconditions are the same as those for Panel.
  int TxtColor, // The color of the text.
		CsrColor, // The color of the text cursor
		CsrBlink, // The cursor blink flag.
		instmode, // Insert mode flag.
		MaxLen,  // The maximum string length.
		Pointer, // The position of the text cursor.
		HiClr,   // The color of the highlight;
		inkey;   // The key pressed.

  char *Buffer; // The buffer that stores the text.

  instrn(int x, int y, int w=1, int h=1, int d=0, int c=7, int k=1); // Initializes an instrn.
  ~instrn(); // Destroys an instrn.
  void settxtclr(int clr); // Changes the text color. Can be ANY valid color.
  void setcsrclr(int clr); // Changes the cursor color.
  void sethiclr(int clr); // Set the highlight color;
  void setcsrblink(int blk); // Changes the cursor blink flag: 1 to blink, 0 to not blink.
  void show(); // Displays the instrn, and text in the buffer.
  char *getinput(int hilight = 0); // Gets input from buffer, and return a pointer to it.
  char lastkey(); // Retuirns the last key pressed.
  void clear(); // Clears the buffer.
  void preset (char *B); // Pre-loads the buffer with text.
  char *gettext(char *buf); // Returns a copy of the string.
  void hilight(int start, int end); // Highlights a block of text.

class menubar : public panel
 //     This class is a general purpose menu bar. Menus are added with the
 // addmenu() function, and deleted with the delmenu() command. See the
 // example in the manual for programming tips.
 //     Parameters: x,y - The upper left corner of the bar.
 //                 w,h - The height and width of the bar. If it is too small, it
 //                       will re-adjust itself to fit.
 //                   c - The color of the bar.
 //                  tc - The color of the text in the menubar.
 //                  hc - The color of the highlight bar.
 //             heading - A text string used as the name of a menu.
 //               items - A string containing a comma seperated list of menu item names.
 //                 Key - The hotkey associated with that menu. It must be the 2nd number in an extended key.
 //     Preconditions: x,y,w,h - The same as for the panel class with d=1.
 //                          c - Must be between BLACK (0) and LIGHTGRAY (7).
 //                      hc,tc - Can be any valid color.
 //                          k - Must be 0 or 1
 //                         no - Must be a valid menu number, starting at 1.
 //                        Key - Must represent the second number returned by getch() for an
 //                              extended keystroke. Please use the #defined numbers.
  int TxtColor, // The color of the text.
		HiColor,  // The color of the highlight bar.
		HkHiColor, // The color of the highlighted character in the heading.
		BX,       // Temporary values used for the pulldown menu size.
		MenuSelected, // The number of the selected menu.
		ItemSelected, // The number of the selected item of the selected menu.
		lastMenuSelected, // The number of the last menu to be selected.
		lastItemSelected, // The number of the last item to be selectd.
		PulledDown,   // A flag that tells that a menu is pulled down.
		NumMenus,     // The number of valid menus in the menubar.
		NumItems,     // The number of items in the currently selected menu.
		MenuBkgHndl,  // The EMS handle for the pulled down Bkg buffer, if using EMS.
		MenuBkgPages; // The number of EMS pages needed for the pulled down Bkg buffer.

  void far *MenuBackBuffer; // Stores the background for the pulled down menu.

  struct itemTYPE // The linked list of items in a menu.
	 char Item[40]; // The items name.
	 int X, Y, Width, Height; // The area it takes up when pulled down.
	 struct itemTYPE *NextItem; // The next item in the list.

  struct MenuTYPE // The linked list of menus.
	 char Heading[40]; // The name of the menu.
	 int X, Y, Width, Height; // Its area in the bar.
	 struct itemTYPE *Items; // A linked list of its items.
	 struct MenuTYPE *NextMenu; // The next menu in the list.
	 int hotkey; // The hotkey for this menu.
  struct MenuTYPE *Menus; // The head for the menus linked list.
  int  find_char (char *str, char fnd, int begin); // finds a character in a string.
  char *menubar::mids (char *strn, int begin, int count); // Breaks up a string.


	menubar(int x, int y, int w, int h, int c=7, int tc=15,int hc=12, int k=1);
	void addmenu(char *heading, char *items, int Key=0); // Adds a menu to the menubar.
	void delmenu(int no); // deletes a menu from the menubar.
	void setbkgclr(int c); // Changes the color of the bar.
	void settextclr(int c); // Changes the color of the text.
	void sethighclr(int c); // Changes the color of the highlight bar.
	void sethkhiclr(int C); // Sets the hotkey highlight color.
	void show(); // Displays the menubar.
	void pulldown(); // Pulls down the item list.
	void pushup(); // Pushes the item list back up.
	int  menuhit(); // Returns the number of the menu the cursor is over.
	int  pdhit(); // Returns true if the cursor is over the pull-down menu.
	int  itemhit(); // returns the number of the item the cursor is over.
	int  ishtkey(int keypd); // Returns the number of the menu that keypd is the hotkey for, or 0 if not a hotkey.
	int  htkypressed(); // Checks to see if a hotkey was pressed. returns 0 if not, else the menu number.
	void menuselect(int no); // selects a menu.
	void itemselect(int no); // selects an item in the selected menu.
	void menuclear(); // de-selects a menu, and its items.
	void itemclear(); // de-selects the currently selected item only.
	int  itemselected(); // returns the number of the currently selected item.
	int  menuselected(); // returns the number of the currently selected menu.
	int  lastevntitem(); // returns the number of the selected item in checkforevent().
	int  lastevntmenu(); // returns the number of the selected menu in checkforevent().
	void checkforevent(); // polls the keyboard and mouse for a menubar event.
			 // Allows the use of hotkeys, F-10, and arrow keys.
			 // Also handles event if you manually select a menu.

class vscroll : public panel
 //    This class is a vertical scroll bar. It is used as a selection device in scrolling
 // windows applications. It returns a percent, or a pixel offset of the handle from it top
 // most position. It can also be set with a percent or pixel offset. x,y,w,h define the size
 // of the scrollbar, as in the panel. The depth is 1. hdh sets the height of the handle, and
 // it's width is w-4, and it's depth is 1. bth defines the height of the up and down buttons.
 // Their width is w-4, and as with all buttons, it's height is 2. If the button is large enough,
 // an arrow will appear on the button. All components of the scroll bar can be operated manually,
 // or the getevent function can be used to automate the bar.

  button *Up,
  panel  *Hnd;
  int    Min_Position,

  vscroll(int x, int y, int w, int h, int hdh,int bht,int bc=7, int hc=7, int bkgc=7, int k=0);
  void show(void);                 // Shows a scrollbar.
  void hide(void);                 // Hides a scrollbar.
  void setpos(int p);              // Sets the offset.
  int  getpos(void);               // Gets the offset.
  int  uphit(void);                // Up button hit.
  int  dnhit(void);                // Down button hit.
  int  hndhit(void);               // Handle hit.
  void uppres(void);               // Press the up button.
  void dnpres(void);               // Press the down button.
  void uprels(void);               // Release the up button.
  void dnrels(void);               // Release the down button.
  int getevent(void);              // Poll the scrollbar and handle events.
  void resize (int w, int h);      // Change the overall width & height of the bar. Does not change bht & hdh.
  void moveto (int x, int y);      // Move the scrollbar.
  void setbkgclr(int c);           // Set the scroll panel color.
  void setbtnclr(int c);           // Set the button color.
  void sethdlclr(int c);           // Set the handle color.
  void setarrclr(int c);           // Set the arrow's color.
  void setrange(int min, int max); // Sets the range of the scroll bar.
  void setpagesize(int LPP);       // Sets the number of lines per page.

class hscroll : public panel
  //     This is a horizontal scroll bar. It is the same as the vertical scroll bar
  // except that the button width and handle width (instead of height) are defined, and
  // the offsets and % is for the x axis, and not the y.

  button *Lf,
  panel  *Hnd;
  int Min_Position,

  hscroll(int x, int y, int w, int h, int hdw,int bhw,int bc=7, int hc=7, int bkgc=7, int k=0);
  void show(void);
  void hide(void);
  void setpos(int p);
  int  getpos(void);
  int  lfhit(void);
  int  rthit(void);
  int  hndhit(void);
  void lfpres(void);
  void rtpres(void);
  void lfrels(void);
  void rtrels(void);
  int getevent(void);
  void resize (int w, int h);
  void moveto (int x, int y);
  void setbkgclr(int c);
  void setbtnclr(int c);
  void sethdlclr(int c);
  void setarrclr(int c);
  void setrange(int min, int max); // Sets the range of the scroll bar.
  void setpagesize(int LPP);

// Miscellaneous Functions:
//  These functions are used to get input from the keyboard, if not using the
// instrn class or the textplane class in the guicls file. You MUST use these
// instead of getch() and kbhit(). Failure to do so can cause your program
// to hang up in the menubar::getevent and menubar::htkypressed functions.
//  These functions handle extended keys differently than getch(). Instead of
// returning 0 to indicate that the next key extracted is extended, if the high
// byte is 1, then the low byte is an extended key. (normal keys: 0-255, extended
// keys: 256-512).
// The function getkbflags() returns the following: bit     meaning
//                                                  ---     -------
//                                                   7      Insert is ON.
//							                                6      Caps Lock ON.
//                                                   5      Num Lock ON.
//                                                   4      Scroll Lock is ON.
//                                                   3      Alt key is pressed.
//                                                   2      Ctrl Key is pressed.
//                                                   1      Left SHIFT is pressed.
//                                                   0      Right SHIFT is pressed.

#define KBD_INS_ON 0x80
#define KBD_CAP_ON 0x40
#define KBD_NUM_ON 0x20
#define KBD_SCR_ON 0x10
#define KBD_ALT_PR 0x08
#define KBD_CTL_PR 0x04
#define KBD_LSH_PR 0x02
#define KBD_RSH_PR 0x01

int keyhit(); // Returns true if a key has been pressed, or one is in the buffer.
int getkey(); // Returns the next key in the buffer.
int getkbflags(); // Returns the status of the keyboard flags.
int putbk(int keypb); // Pushes a key back to the buffer.
