#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "Wad.h"

GameWad::GameWad( void )
    // Default constructor - Initializes data members.
    WadFilePtr = NULL;
    WadFileInitialized = 0;
    DirectoryOffset = 0;
    NumberOfLumps = 0;
    NbrTextures = 0;
    Things = NULL;
    Vertices = NULL;
    Linedefs = NULL;
    Sectors = NULL;
    SSectors = NULL;
    Sidedefs = NULL;
    Nodes = NULL;
    Pnames = NULL;
    Textures = NULL;

GameWad::GameWad( char* Fname )
    strcpy(WadFileName, Fname);
    WadFilePtr = NULL;
    WadFileInitialized = 0;
    DirectoryOffset = 0;
    NumberOfLumps = 0;
    NbrTextures = 0;
    Things = NULL;
    Vertices = NULL;
    Linedefs = NULL;
    Sectors = NULL;
    SSectors = NULL;
    Sidedefs = NULL;
    Nodes = NULL;
    Pnames = NULL;
    Textures = NULL;

    InitWadFile( Fname );

GameWad::~GameWad( void )

    if (NULL != Pnames )
        delete Pnames;
        Pnames = NULL;

    if (NULL != Textures )
        delete[] Textures;
        Textures = NULL;

int GameWad::clearMap(void)
    if (NULL != Things )
        delete Things;
        Things = NULL;

    if (NULL != Vertices )
        delete Vertices;
        Vertices = NULL;

    if (NULL != Linedefs )
        delete Linedefs;
        Linedefs = NULL;

    if (NULL != Sectors )
        delete Sectors;
        Sectors = NULL;

    if (NULL != SSectors )
        delete SSectors;
        SSectors = NULL;

    if (NULL != Sidedefs )
        delete Sidedefs;
        Sidedefs = NULL;

    if (NULL != Nodes )
        delete Nodes;
        Nodes = NULL;

    return 1;

int GameWad::InitWadFile( char* Fname )
    WadHdrLoad          WadHeader;
    // Step 1. Open the file.
    strcpy(WadFileName, Fname);
    if( NULL == (WadFilePtr = fopen(Fname, "rb")))
        return -1;

    // Step 2. Read in the header. Ensure we're reading a 'IWAD' file.
    if( 1 != fread((void *)&WadHeader, sizeof(WadHdrLoad), 1, WadFilePtr) )
        return -1;

    if ( WadHeader.Type[0] != 'I' && WadHeader.Type[1] != 'W' && WadHeader.Type[2] != 'A' && WadHeader.Type[3] != 'D' )
        return -2;
    NumberOfLumps = WadHeader.NbrLumps;
    DirectoryOffset = WadHeader.DirectoryOffset;

    if (findDirectoryEntry("PLAYPAL"))

    if (findDirectoryEntry("COLORMAP"))

    if (findDirectoryEntry("PNAMES"))

    if (findDirectoryEntry("TEXTURE1"))

    // This is so we can check that this step was done later.
    WadFileInitialized = 1;

    // Step 5. Close the file.

    return 1;

int GameWad::LoadMap( int episode, int level )
    // This function loads a level, i.e. E1M1 into the appropriate structures.
    char                MapName[5];
    char                EntryName[9];
    int                 ReadLvl = 0;
    int                 StillReadingLumps = 1;
    WadHdrLoad          WadHeader;
    DirectoryEntryLoad  DirectoryEntry;

    if (0 == WadFileInitialized)
        return -1;

    // If there is another map loaded, unload it.
    // Step 1. Open the file. (It was closed after the call to ReadWadFile)
    if( NULL == (WadFilePtr = fopen(WadFileName, "rb")))
        return -1;
    // Step 2. Read in the header to ensure we're reading the 'IWAD' file.
    if( 1 != fread((void *)&WadHeader, sizeof(WadHdrLoad), 1, WadFilePtr) )
        return -1;
    if ( WadHeader.Type[0] != 'I' && WadHeader.Type[1] != 'W' && WadHeader.Type[2] != 'A' && WadHeader.Type[3] != 'D' )
        return -2;
    // Step 3. Generate the name of the tag we're going to search for.
    sprintf(MapName, "E%1dM%1d", episode, level);
    if( 1 == findDirectoryEntry((const char*)MapName))
        // The next 10 lumps define the level. They could be in any order.
        for (int i=0; i < 10; ++i) 
            // Step 4a. Get the entry from the file.
            fread((void *)&DirectoryEntry, sizeof(DirectoryEntryLoad), 1, WadFilePtr);
            memset(EntryName, 0, 9);
            strncpy(EntryName, DirectoryEntry.LumpName, 8);

            if ( 0 == strcmp(EntryName,"THINGS"))
                // Read the list of things.
                int NumThings = DirectoryEntry.LumpSize / sizeof(Thing);
                loadThings(DirectoryEntry.LumpStartOffset, NumThings);

            if ( 0 == strcmp(EntryName,"LINEDEFS"))
                // Read the linedefs.
                int NumLineDefs = DirectoryEntry.LumpSize / sizeof(LineDef);
                loadLineDefs(DirectoryEntry.LumpStartOffset, NumLineDefs);

            if ( 0 == strcmp(EntryName,"SIDEDEFS"))
                // Read the sidedefs.
                int NumSideDefs = DirectoryEntry.LumpSize / sizeof(SideDef);
                loadSideDefs(DirectoryEntry.LumpStartOffset, NumSideDefs);

            if ( 0 == strcmp(EntryName,"VERTEXES"))
                // Read the vertex list.
                int NumVertexes = DirectoryEntry.LumpSize / sizeof(Vertex);
                loadVertexes(DirectoryEntry.LumpStartOffset, NumVertexes);

            if ( 0 == strcmp(EntryName,"SEGS"))
                // Read the list of segments.
                int NumSegments = DirectoryEntry.LumpSize / sizeof(Seg);
                loadSegments(DirectoryEntry.LumpStartOffset, NumSegments);

            if ( 0 == strcmp(EntryName,"SSECTORS"))
                // Read the list of sub sectors.
                int NumSSectors = DirectoryEntry.LumpSize / sizeof(SSector);
                loadSSectors(DirectoryEntry.LumpStartOffset, NumSSectors);

            if ( 0 == strcmp(EntryName,"NODES"))
                // Read the list of nodes ( BSP Tree ).
                int NumNodes = DirectoryEntry.LumpSize / sizeof(Node);
                loadNodes(DirectoryEntry.LumpStartOffset, NumNodes);

            if ( 0 == strcmp(EntryName,"SECTORS"))
                // Read the list of sectors.
                int NumSectors = DirectoryEntry.LumpSize / sizeof(Sector);
                loadSectors(DirectoryEntry.LumpStartOffset, NumSectors);

        // Close the file.

        // Indicate a successful load.
        return 1;

    // Close the file.

    // Indicate we couldn't find the level.
    return -1;

int GameWad::findDirectoryEntry(const char* SearchName, long* LumpSize) 
    //  Will search the WAD directory for a specific lump. If found, it will position the
    // file pointer to point to that lump, and return NON-ZERO (True). If the found entry is
    // a flag, i.e. E1M1, the pointer will point to the directory entry just after the one found.
    // If *LumpSize is specified, it will place the size of the lump there.
    //   If the lump is not found, the file pointer will not be changed, and the function will
    // return zero (False).
    char                  EntryName[9];
    long                  startingOffset;
    DirectoryEntryLoad    DirectoryEntry;

    startingOffset = ftell(WadFilePtr);

    // Move the file pointer to the beginning of the Directory.
    if( 0 != fseek(WadFilePtr, DirectoryOffset, SEEK_SET))
        return 0;
    // For each item in the directory,
    for( int i=0; i < NumberOfLumps; ++i )
        // Get the entry from the file.
        fread((void *)&DirectoryEntry, sizeof(DirectoryEntryLoad), 1, WadFilePtr);
        memset(EntryName, 0, 9);
        strncpy(EntryName, DirectoryEntry.LumpName, 8);

        if (strcmp(EntryName, SearchName) == 0)
            if (DirectoryEntry.LumpSize > 0)
                fseek(WadFilePtr, DirectoryEntry.LumpStartOffset, SEEK_SET);
            if (NULL != LumpSize)
                *LumpSize = DirectoryEntry.LumpSize;
            return 1;

    fseek(WadFilePtr, startingOffset, SEEK_SET);
    return 0;

int GameWad::loadThings(long StartOffset, long NumItems)
    // This will load the various "Thing" definitions.
    Things = new Thing[NumItems];
    long originalOffset = 0;

    originalOffset = ftell(WadFilePtr);
    fseek(WadFilePtr, StartOffset, SEEK_SET);
    fread((void *)&Things[0], sizeof(Thing), NumItems, WadFilePtr); 
    fseek(WadFilePtr, originalOffset, SEEK_SET);

    for (int i=0; i< NumItems; ++i)
        if (Things[i].ThingType == 1)
            PlayerX = Things[i].StartX;
            PlayerY = Things[i].StartY;
            PlayerAngle = Things[i].StartAngle;         

    return 1;

int GameWad::loadLineDefs(long StartOffset, long NumItems)
    Linedefs = new LineDef[NumItems];
    long originalOffset = 0;

    originalOffset = ftell(WadFilePtr);
    fseek(WadFilePtr, StartOffset, SEEK_SET);
    fread((void *)&Linedefs[0], sizeof(LineDef), NumItems, WadFilePtr); 
    fseek(WadFilePtr, originalOffset, SEEK_SET);

    return 1;

int GameWad::loadSideDefs(long StartOffset, long NumItems)
    Sidedefs = new SideDef[NumItems];
    long originalOffset = 0;

    originalOffset = ftell(WadFilePtr);
    fseek(WadFilePtr, StartOffset, SEEK_SET);
    fread((void *)&Sidedefs[0], sizeof(SideDef), NumItems, WadFilePtr); 
    fseek(WadFilePtr, originalOffset, SEEK_SET);

    return 1;

int GameWad::loadVertexes(long StartOffset, long NumItems)
    long originalOffset = 0;
    Vertices = new Vertex[NumItems];
    NbrVertices = NumItems;
    originalOffset = ftell(WadFilePtr);
    fseek(WadFilePtr, StartOffset, SEEK_SET);
    fread((void *)&Vertices[0], sizeof(Vertex), NumItems, WadFilePtr); 
    fseek(WadFilePtr, originalOffset, SEEK_SET);

    return 1;

int GameWad::loadSegments(long StartOffset, long NumItems)
    Segs = new Seg[NumItems];
    long originalOffset = 0;

    originalOffset = ftell(WadFilePtr);
    fseek(WadFilePtr, StartOffset, SEEK_SET);
    fread((void *)&Segs[0], sizeof(Seg), NumItems, WadFilePtr); 
    fseek(WadFilePtr, originalOffset, SEEK_SET);

    return 1;

int GameWad::loadSSectors(long StartOffset, long NumItems)
    SSectors = new SSector[NumItems];
    long originalOffset = 0;

    originalOffset = ftell(WadFilePtr);
    fseek(WadFilePtr, StartOffset, SEEK_SET);
    fread((void *)&SSectors[0], sizeof(SSector), NumItems, WadFilePtr); 
    fseek(WadFilePtr, originalOffset, SEEK_SET);

    return 1;

int GameWad::loadNodes(long StartOffset, long NumItems)
    long originalOffset = 0;

    Nodes = new Node[NumItems+1];
    MaxNode = NumItems - 1;
    originalOffset = ftell(WadFilePtr);
    fseek(WadFilePtr, StartOffset, SEEK_SET);
    fread((void *)&Nodes[0], sizeof(Node), NumItems, WadFilePtr); 
    fseek(WadFilePtr, originalOffset, SEEK_SET);
    return 1;

int GameWad::loadSectors(long StartOffset, long NumItems)
    Sectors = new Sector[NumItems];
    long originalOffset = 0;

    originalOffset = ftell(WadFilePtr);
    fseek(WadFilePtr, StartOffset, SEEK_SET);
    fread((void *)&Sectors[0], sizeof(Sector), NumItems, WadFilePtr); 
    fseek(WadFilePtr, originalOffset, SEEK_SET);

    return 1;

int GameWad::loadPalettes( void )
    // This will load the 14 palettes used by the system.
    for (int i=0; i<14; ++i)
        fread((void*)&GamePalettes[i][0], 768, 1, WadFilePtr);
    return 1;   

int GameWad::loadColorMaps( void )
    // This will load the 34 palettes used by the system.
    for (int i=0; i<34; ++i)
        fread((void*)&ColorMap[i][0], 256, 1, WadFilePtr);

    return 1;

int GameWad::loadPNames( void )
    long NumItems = 0;

    // Read the number of Pnames
    fread((void*)&NumItems, sizeof(long), 1, WadFilePtr);
    Pnames = new PName[NumItems];

    // Read each PName and save it in the array.
    for (int i=0; i<NumItems; ++i)
        Pnames[i].index = i;
        fread((void*)&Pnames[i].Name[0], 1, 8, WadFilePtr);
        Pnames[i].Name[8] = '\0';

    return 1;

int GameWad::loadTextures( void )
    // This will load the various Texture definitions.
    long           StartOffset = 0;
    long           nextoffset = 0;
    long           NumItems = 0;
    long*          TxtOffset;
    int            i = 0, j=0;
    TextureLdrRec  TextureRecord;
    PatchDscr*     TxtPatchRec;

    StartOffset = ftell(WadFilePtr);

    // Read the number of Textures
    fread((void*)&NumItems, sizeof(long), 1, WadFilePtr);
    Textures = new Texture[NumItems];
    NbrTextures = NumItems;

    // Read the texture offsets
    TxtOffset = new long[NumItems];
    fread((void*)TxtOffset, sizeof(long), NumItems, WadFilePtr);

    // For each texture definition:
    for (i=0; i<NumItems; ++i)
        // Get the texture header.
        fseek(WadFilePtr, TxtOffset[i] + StartOffset, SEEK_SET);
        fread((void*)&TextureRecord, sizeof(TextureLdrRec), 1, WadFilePtr);

        // Set up the texture item in the array.
        strncpy(Textures[i].TxtName, TextureRecord.TxtName, 8);
        Textures[i].TxtName[8] = '\0';
        Textures[i].TxtWidth = TextureRecord.TxtWidth;
        Textures[i].TxtHeight = TextureRecord.TxtHeight;
        Textures[i].TxtPtr = new char[(unsigned long)TextureRecord.TxtWidth * (unsigned long)TextureRecord.TxtHeight];

        TxtPatchRec = new PatchDscr[TextureRecord.NumPatches];
        if (NULL != TxtPatchRec)
            fread((void*)&TxtPatchRec[0], sizeof(PatchDscr), TextureRecord.NumPatches, WadFilePtr);

        // Now, for each texture patch, 
        for (j=0;((NULL != TxtPatchRec) && (j< TextureRecord.NumPatches)); ++j)
            long PatchWidth = 0;
            long PatchHeight = 0;
            long TxtPatchStartX = TxtPatchRec[j].StartX;
            long TxtPatchStartY = TxtPatchRec[j].StartY;
            // Now load the patch data
            char* Patch = ParseTextureData(Pnames[TxtPatchRec[j].PnameNbr].Name, PatchWidth, PatchHeight);

            // and add it to the current texture 
            // (Let's transpose the texture too. It'll make rendering MUCH faster!)

            if( NULL != Patch )
                for( long col = TxtPatchStartX; col < TxtPatchStartX + PatchWidth; ++col )
                    for( long row = TxtPatchStartY; row < TxtPatchStartY + PatchHeight; ++row )
                        if (((col >= 0) && (col < Textures[i].TxtWidth)) && ((row >= 0) && (row < Textures[i].TxtHeight)))
                            *(Textures[i].TxtPtr + col * Textures[i].TxtHeight + row  ) =
                                *(Patch + col - TxtPatchStartX + (row - TxtPatchStartY) * PatchWidth );
                delete Patch;


        if (NULL != TxtPatchRec)
            delete TxtPatchRec; 

    delete TxtOffset;

    return 1;

char* GameWad::ParseTextureData( const char* DirectoryName, long& Width, long& Height)
    long          OrigOffset = 0;
    long          PatchLumpStart = 0;
    long          row = 0;
    unsigned char firstRow;
    unsigned char numPels;
    long          StartRow = 0;
    long*         ColumnOffsets;
    char*         PatchData = NULL;
    char          bt;
    PatchLdrRec   PatchHdr;

    Width = 0;
    Height = 0;

    // Find the Patch Lump in the WAD file.
    OrigOffset = ftell(WadFilePtr);
    if (findDirectoryEntry(DirectoryName))

        PatchLumpStart = ftell(WadFilePtr);
        // If found, load the header for the patch.
        fread((void*)&PatchHdr, sizeof(PatchLdrRec), 1, WadFilePtr);
        PatchData = new char[PatchHdr.Width * PatchHdr.Height];
        Width = (long)PatchHdr.Width;
        Height = (long)PatchHdr.Height;
        // Now read the offsets to the columns.
        ColumnOffsets = new long[PatchHdr.Width];
        fread((void*)&ColumnOffsets[0], sizeof(long), PatchHdr.Width, WadFilePtr);

        // Now, for each column, there will be an offset pointer.
        for( int i=0; i< PatchHdr.Width; ++i)
            // Go to the column.
            fseek(WadFilePtr, ColumnOffsets[i] + PatchLumpStart, SEEK_SET);
            // Parse the posts.
            firstRow = fgetc(WadFilePtr);
            while(firstRow != 0xFF )
                numPels = fgetc(WadFilePtr);
                for( row = firstRow; row < firstRow + numPels; ++row )
                    bt = (unsigned char)getc(WadFilePtr);
                    if( row >= 0 && row < PatchHdr.Height)
                        *(PatchData + (long)row*(PatchHdr.Width) + i ) = bt;
                firstRow = fgetc(WadFilePtr);
    fseek(WadFilePtr, OrigOffset, SEEK_SET);

    return PatchData;

void  GameWad::getPlayerStart( short& X, short& Y, short& Ang) 
    X = PlayerX;
    Y = PlayerY; 
    Ang = PlayerAngle; 

int GameWad::Save_Pcx(char *filename, unsigned char  *Buffer, unsigned long width, unsigned long height) 
    unsigned long count,     // the count for the RLE run. 
        bcount,    // the count for the line. 
        index,     // Overall byte count. 
    unsigned char data;      // The data byte written. 
    FILE          *outfile;  // The file pointer. 
    PCX_HEADER    header;    // The PCX header info. 

    outfile = fopen(filename, "wb"); 
    if(NULL == outfile) { 
        return -1; 
    // Build a PCX file header. Must be little endian, so beware 
    header.manufacturer = 10; 
    header.version = 5; 
    header.encoding = 1; 
    header.bits_per_pixel = 8; 
    header.x = 0; 
    header.y = 0;  
    header.width = (short)width-1; 
    header.height = (short)height-1; 
    header.horiz_rez = (short)width; 
    header.vert_rez = (short)height; 
    header.Num_Planes = 1; 
    header.bytes_per_line = (short)width; 
    header.palette_type = 1; 
    // Write the PCX file header 
    fwrite((void *)&header,sizeof(PCX_HEADER),1,outfile); 
    //  Do run length encoding for pixel runs of 2 to 63.  Add 192 to the 
    //  run count, and write it before the pixel to indicate how many are 
    //  present. Runs are not encoded across line boundaries, so 
    //  bcount keeps track of how many bytes have been written per line, 
    //  and when it hits "width", the run is written even if less than 63. 
    bcount = 0; 
    index = 0; 
    TotalSize = width * height; 
    while (index < TotalSize) 
        if((index < TotalSize-1) && (Buffer[index] == Buffer[index + 1]) && (bcount < width-1)) 
            // We have a run of two or more 
            data = Buffer[index]; 
            count = 2; 
            while((index + count < TotalSize) && 
                  (data == Buffer[index + count]) && 
                  (count < 63) && (bcount + count < width) ) 
            index = index + count; 
            bcount = bcount + count; 
            putc((char)(count + 192), outfile); 
            putc(data, outfile); 
            // We are writing one byte.  If byte is 192-255, put a run count of 1 (193) in front of it 
            if(Buffer[index] >= 192) 
                putc((char)193, outfile); 
            putc((char)Buffer[index], outfile); 
        if(bcount == width)
            bcount = 0; 
    // Write the palette 
    // 256 color palette must be prefixed with this byte 
    putc((char)12, outfile); 
    for(index=0; index<768; index++) 
        putc((char)GamePalettes[0][index], outfile);

    return 1;

char* GameWad::getBSPTree( void )
    // Return a pointer to the BSP tree.


RGBQUAD* GameWad::getPalette( int paletteNbr )
    RGBQUAD *palettePtr = new RGBQUAD[256];

    for (int i= 0; i < 256; ++i)
        palettePtr[i].rgbRed = GamePalettes[0][i*3]; 
        palettePtr[i].rgbGreen = GamePalettes[0][i*3+1]; 
        palettePtr[i].rgbBlue = GamePalettes[0][i*3+2]; 

    return palettePtr;

char* GameWad::getTexturePtr( const char* txtName, short& width, short& height )
    // this method will search the array of loaded textures, and find the one with the
    // specified name. If found, it will place the width and height into the appropriate
    // reference parameters, and return the pointer to the texture data. If not found, it
    // will set the reference parameters to 0, and return NULL.

    for (int i=0; i< NbrTextures; ++i)
        if( 0 == strncmp(Textures[i].TxtName, txtName,8))
            width = Textures[i].TxtWidth;
            height = Textures[i].TxtHeight;
            return Textures[i].TxtPtr;
    width = 0;
    height = 0;
    return NULL;